Ergotamine is an ergopeptine and part of the ergot family of alkaloids; it is structurally and biochemically closely related to ergoline. It possesses structural similarity to several neurotransmitters, and has biological activity as a vasoconstrictor. It is used medicinally for treatment of acute migraine attacks (sometimes in combination with caffeine), and to induce childbirth and prevent post-partum haemorrhage. It was first isolated from the ergot fungus by Arthur Stoll at Sandoz in 1918 and marketed as Gynergen in 1921. [1]

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of ergotamine is complex.[2] The molecule shares similarity with neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline and can thus bind to several cell receptors acting both as agonist and antagonist in signal transduction within cellular tissues. The anti-migraine effect is due to constriction of the intercranial extracerebral blood vessels through the 5-HT1B receptor, and by inhibiting trigeminal neurotransmission by 5-HT1D receptors. Ergotamine also has effects on the dopamine and noradrenaline receptors. It is its action on the D2 dopamine and 5-HT1A receptors that can cause some side effects. [3]

Drug uses

Ergotamine is also a precursor of LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide. It produces vasoconstriction peripherally. It damages the peripheral epithelium and in high doses is conducive to the creation of vascular stasis, thrombosis and gangrene. It can increase uterine contractivity and has, in the past, been used therapeutically in the immediate post-partum state. It continues to be prescribed for migraine. Contraindications include: atherosclerosis, Buerger's syndrome, coronary artery disease, hepatic disease, pregnancy, pruritus, Raynaud's syndrome, and renal disease. [5]

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  • Sep 30 Tue 2008 01:19
  • 可可


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Definition of Steppage gait

 Steppage gait: A manner of walking in which the advancing foot is lifted high so that the toes clear the ground. Steppage gait is a sign of foot-drop.


Definition of Foot-drop


Foot-drop: Dropping of the front of the foot due to weakness or paralysis of the anterior muscles of the lower leg. Foot-drop results in what is called a steppage gait in which the advancing foot is lifted high in order that the toes may clear the ground. Foot drop can be due to a number of conditions including injury to the muscles that dorsiflex the foot or to the nerves to those muscles, a neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, a stroke, drug toxicity, and diabetes. Treatment may include an ankle-foot orthosis.

Definition of Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis: Abbreviated MS. A disease of the central nervous system (CNS) marked by numbness, weakness, loss of muscle coordination, and problems with vision, speech, and bladder control. MS is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks myelin, a key substance that serves as a nerve insulator and helps in the transmission of nerve signals. The progress, severity and specific symptoms in MS are unpredictable. One never knows when attacks will occur, how long they will last, or how severe they will be. Most people with MS are between the ages of 20 and 40 at the time of diagnosis. The term "multiple" refers to the multiple places in the CNS that are affected and to the multiple relapses and remissions characteristic of MS.

MS causes demyelinization of the white matter of the brain, with this process sometimes extending into the gray matter. Demyelinization is loss of myelin, which is composed of lipids (fats) and protein. The white matter is the part of the brain which contains myelinated nerve fibers and appears white, whereas the gray matter is the cortex of the brain which contains nerve cell bodies and appears gray. When myelin is damaged in MS, nerve fiber conduction is faulty or absent. Impaired bodily functions or altered sensations associated with those demyelinated nerve fibers give rise to the symptoms of MS.

The understanding of the basic causes of the disease is notably incomplete. It is known that nerve cell death is part of the nervous system injury in MS. It is known, too, that in MS some types of blood cells, namely lymphocytes and monocytes, gain access to the central nervous system by breaking through the blood-brain barrier at sites of inflammation. The migration of these cells across the endothelium (lining of the blood vessels) and the activation of these immune cells depends on the cell surface molecule called integrin. (?)

Many such important facts are coming clear. However, current knowledge of MS can be likened to what a number of blind men learned by feeling different parts of an elephant. No one has yet seen MS in its entirety.


SIADH--Syndrome of Inappropiate antidiuretic hormones

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  • Sep 29 Mon 2008 15:16
  • 榜樣



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矛盾。一點點愛我就滿足了:一個真誠的微笑,一個關心的眼神,一句親切的問候,一段分享的時光,很足夠了。害怕太在乎,太依賴,愈是在乎,要求愈多。哈,這不是真愛吧,控制慾,佔有慾會不知不覺的冒出來。若與人保持的距離,不是因為神的緣故,只是怕受傷害,不願意冒這個風險呢? 這是神不喜悅的吧! 因為終究,這只是自私的愛。

好難,怎麼才能真實地愛人,甘願冒著被傷害的危險,又,怎麼樣的愛可以表現熱情與彼此互相需要,但卻又不造成強迫與壓力呢? 愛,是一件好難的事,主,祢說,祢就是愛,我不懂,你的愛是怎樣的長闊高深,也許聖經寫得很清楚了,但若非聖靈的開啟,怎會懂呢? 頭腦到心的距離,看似很近,卻是很遙遠。什麼時候,祢的愛才會活化在我心?

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呵 回首這一段時間的成長,恩典滿滿。




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我喜歡 靜靜地看著你 認真誠懇的說話語調 是這樣的迷人

我喜歡 看著你的文章 似乎走進你的內心世界 更多瞭解你

我喜歡 在心中思念你的話語 喜歡讚美你

我喜歡 你以微笑看著我 張開你的雙臂給我一個大大的擁抱 那一刻 我好像擁有了全世界

我喜歡 你對我的信任 讓我也對自己的信心更加添

我喜歡 你認真對待每一件事 即使有掙扎有痛苦 依然勇往直前

我喜歡你 好喜歡 不是愛 只是喜歡


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Neuropathy v.s. Myopathy:


Aphasia Classification:




Sensory Tract (Chinese)


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  • Sep 26 Fri 2008 01:30
  • 加油

要克服的 其實就是自己這一關
別人也沒這個閒工夫來關注你  哈哈
很開心 今天可以和你談  謝謝你 願意聽我說   {#emotions_dlg.emotion_heart}

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  • Sep 25 Thu 2008 02:38


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  • Sep 25 Thu 2008 01:58
  • 面對

或早或晚 終究要面對的
愈想逃避的 它就愈會衝著你來~
倒不如  咬緊牙根 這一關 總過得了的

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神要我們傳揚,但神的靈卻是溫柔的,不是嗎? 不要叫醒她,等她自己情願~

在當中怎麼覺得衝突很大呢? 無法習慣,就現在而言,要我去街道上大聲傳講神的福音,引來的是否負面回應更多呢?

一直希望,自己能有智慧,但人的智慧真的好嗎? 為何說傳福音不論得時不得時?


也許是我個人經驗吧,我知道被人強迫的感覺 非。常。不。好。




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  • Sep 19 Fri 2008 02:23
  • 想要

 把一些該做的事 做的好玩一些

才會做的甘願 做的漂亮

用逼自己的方式 已經作不到了...


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願你的愛充滿我的心 我的靈 因此我就歡喜跳躍 我的靈踴躍~

除你以外,在天上我還能有誰? 除你以外,在地上也無眷戀。




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