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When epiglottitis strikes, it usually occurs quickly but may range from just a few hours to a few days. The most common symptoms include sore throat, muffling or changes in the voice, difficulty speaking, fever, difficulty swallowing, fast heart rate, and difficulties in breathing.


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關於Facial nerve http://www.answers.com/topic/facial-nerve


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UpToDate: Approach to the diagnosis of hemolytic anemia in the adult

Serum LDH and haptoglobin — Two major tests used to diagnose the presence of hemolysis are lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, specifically the LD1 and LD2 isoforms), released from hemolyzed RBCs, and haptoglobin, which binds to hemoglobin released during intravascular or extravascular hemolysis or ineffective erythropoiesis with release of hemoglobin from late erythroid precursors in the bone marrow. Higher haptoglobin values in the presence of hemolysis can reflect either a lesser degree of hemolysis or concurrent inflammation, since haptoglobin is an acute phase reactant. (See "Acute phase reactants").

In one series of reports, the combination of an increased serum LDH and a reduced haptoglobin was 90 percent specific for diagnosing hemolysis, while the combination of a normal serum LDH and a serum haptoglobin >25 mg/dL was 92 percent sensitive for ruling out hemolysis [17,18]. However, in practice, the normal range for serum haptoglobin is wide, with the lower limits of normal in the range of 17 to 35 mg/dL in some laboratories. Thus, while low levels of haptoglobin are often seen, undetectable levels (eg, <7 mg/dL) are almost always associated with clinical hemolysis.

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WBC: 0-5/HPF (high power field)

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  • Dec 11 Thu 2008 20:47
  • [PE]

Examination of the Abdomen

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...不會是這種吧.... Diabetes mellitus complicating systemic lupus erythematosus ....

一般情況下,通過發病時的年齡就可知道自己患的是1型糖尿病還是2型糖尿病。但有些情況下診斷並不那麼顯而易見,需要考慮許多方面才能綜合判斷出自己屬於那一型。 區分1型糖尿病和 2型糖尿病,對於今後的治療有重要指導意義。  通過下表的各項指標可大致區分出1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病。

















1)年齡:1型糖尿病大多數為40歲以下發病,20歲以下的青少年及兒童絕大多數為1型糖尿病,僅極少數例外;2型糖尿病大多數為40歲以上的中老年人,50歲以上的人患1型糖尿病很少。 總之,年齡越小,越容易是1型糖尿病;年齡越大,越容易是2型糖尿病。


2)起病時體重:發生糖尿病時明顯超重或肥胖者大多數為2型糖尿病, 肥胖越明顯,越易患2型糖尿病;1型糖尿病人在起病前體重多屬正常或偏低。 無論是1型或2型糖尿病,在發病之後體重均可有不同程度降低,而1型糖尿病往往有明顯消瘦。


3)臨床症狀:1型糖尿病均有明顯的臨床症狀如多飲、多尿、多食等,即“三多”,而2型糖尿病常無典型的“三多”症狀。  為數不少的2型糖尿病人由於臨床症狀不明顯,常常難以確定何時起病,有的只是在檢查血糖後才知道自己患了糖尿病。1型糖尿病人由於臨床症狀比較突出,故常能確切地指出自己的起病時間。 


 4)急慢性並發症:1型與2型糖尿病均可發生各種急慢性並發症,但在並發症的類型上有些差別。 就急性併發症而言,1型糖尿病容易發生酮症酸中毒,2型糖尿病較少發生酮症酸中毒,但年齡較大者易發生非酮症高滲性昏迷。就急性並發症而言, 就慢性併發症而言,1型糖尿病容易併發眼底視網膜病變、腎臟病變和神經病變,發生心、腦、腎或肢體血管動脈硬化性病變則不多見,而2型糖尿病除可發生與1型糖尿病相同的眼底視網膜病變 、腎臟病變和神經病變外,心、腦、腎血管動脈硬化性病變的發生率較高,合併高血壓也十分常見。 因此2型糖尿病人發生冠心病及腦血管意外的機會遠遠超過1型糖尿病人,這是一個十分明顯的不同點。


5)臨床治療:1型糖尿病只有註射胰島素才可控制高血糖 ,穩定病情,口服降糖藥一般無效。 2型糖尿病通過合理的飲食控制和適當的口服降糖藥治療,便可獲得一定的效果,當然當口服降糖藥治療失敗、胰島B細胞功能趨於衰竭或出現嚴重的急慢性併發症時,也是胰島素的適應症。  








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簡介 http://www.ccfroc.org.tw/child/child_affection_read.php?a_id=26


wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_(medical)

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Febrile neutropenia  http://jmii.org/content/pdf/v38n6p455.pdf



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normal value: >55%

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在Neutropenic fever 患者,臨床上抗生素需使用多久?

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L2 bends the hip.

L3 straightens the knee.

L4 pulls the foot up.

L5 wiggles the toes.

S1 pulls the foot down.

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http://www.vghks.gov.tw/orth/pediatric/DDH.htm  (精簡的中文資料)


Ortolani test
Barlow test

sucking, 眨眼, 握拳, 縮足, 足背曲, 踏足, 伸膝, 轉頭, 移身, 轉頭伸背, Moro reflex

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Multiple sclerosis


Epilepsy focal/general

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Definition of Steppage gait

 Steppage gait: A manner of walking in which the advancing foot is lifted high so that the toes clear the ground. Steppage gait is a sign of foot-drop.


Definition of Foot-drop


Foot-drop: Dropping of the front of the foot due to weakness or paralysis of the anterior muscles of the lower leg. Foot-drop results in what is called a steppage gait in which the advancing foot is lifted high in order that the toes may clear the ground. Foot drop can be due to a number of conditions including injury to the muscles that dorsiflex the foot or to the nerves to those muscles, a neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, a stroke, drug toxicity, and diabetes. Treatment may include an ankle-foot orthosis.

Definition of Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis: Abbreviated MS. A disease of the central nervous system (CNS) marked by numbness, weakness, loss of muscle coordination, and problems with vision, speech, and bladder control. MS is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks myelin, a key substance that serves as a nerve insulator and helps in the transmission of nerve signals. The progress, severity and specific symptoms in MS are unpredictable. One never knows when attacks will occur, how long they will last, or how severe they will be. Most people with MS are between the ages of 20 and 40 at the time of diagnosis. The term "multiple" refers to the multiple places in the CNS that are affected and to the multiple relapses and remissions characteristic of MS.

MS causes demyelinization of the white matter of the brain, with this process sometimes extending into the gray matter. Demyelinization is loss of myelin, which is composed of lipids (fats) and protein. The white matter is the part of the brain which contains myelinated nerve fibers and appears white, whereas the gray matter is the cortex of the brain which contains nerve cell bodies and appears gray. When myelin is damaged in MS, nerve fiber conduction is faulty or absent. Impaired bodily functions or altered sensations associated with those demyelinated nerve fibers give rise to the symptoms of MS.

The understanding of the basic causes of the disease is notably incomplete. It is known that nerve cell death is part of the nervous system injury in MS. It is known, too, that in MS some types of blood cells, namely lymphocytes and monocytes, gain access to the central nervous system by breaking through the blood-brain barrier at sites of inflammation. The migration of these cells across the endothelium (lining of the blood vessels) and the activation of these immune cells depends on the cell surface molecule called integrin. (?)

Many such important facts are coming clear. However, current knowledge of MS can be likened to what a number of blind men learned by feeling different parts of an elephant. No one has yet seen MS in its entirety.


SIADH--Syndrome of Inappropiate antidiuretic hormones


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