
People who have unstable angina often describe their pain as:

  • Starting within the past 2 months and becoming more severe.
  • Limiting their physical activity.
  • Suddenly becoming more frequent, severe, or longer-lasting or being brought on by less exertion than before.
  • Occurring at rest with no obvious exertion or stress-it may wake the person up.
  • Not responding to rest or nitroglycerin.

Symptoms include:

  • Sudden chest pain that may also be felt in the shoulder, arm, jaw, neck, back, or other area
  • Pain that feels like tightness, squeezing, crushing, burning, choking, or aching
  • Pain that occurs at rest and does not easily go away when using medicine

If you have stable angina, and the chest pain starts to feel different, lasts longer than 15 - 20 minutes, or occurs at different times, you may be developing unstable angina.



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